Open Template Opens or imports a copy of a form which you previously created in Web Weaver and saved. Note: Saving form templates is very useful if you think you might edit your form at a later time and you do not want to edit the HTML of the form. Save Template Saves a copy of your form which you can later import and edit. Note: This is very useful if you think you might edit your form at a later time and you do not want to edit the HTML of the form. Preview Press this button to preview your form with your web browser while you are editing. Build CGI Use this option to build certain types of CGIs using simple fill-in-the-blank type questions. Note: You must have the CGI extensions for Web Weaver installed. Select File Allows you to select the file you want to link to. This is usually useful only when using a relative link. Method Choose the method the web browser uses to submit your form from this pop-up menu. Action This is the URL for your CGI file. Information that the user enters in your form will be sent to this address. Note: To have this form emailed to someone, type "mailto:EMAIL_ADRESS_HERE" in this field. This field contains all of the items of this form. To add items, use the palette window. To edit an item, click on it. To move an item, press the option key and click on it. To delete an item, press the command key and click on it.